cdp homepage

Welcome to the homepage for cdp. cdp is a command-line cd player for linux. It's indispensable if you want to listen to cd's while working on a console or in a terminal and don't want to use some graphical application just to control your cd player.

Here is the output of the help command:
cdp 1.0
usage: cdp [options]
       cdp              print current status
       cdp i            display info about current cd
       cdp h            display help message
       cdp v            display version
       cdp p            play / pause / unpause
       cdp s            stop
       cdp f            skip forward to the next track
       cdp ff           same, except loop back to track 1 if on last track
       cdp b            skip backward to the previous track
       cdp bb           same, except loop around to last track if on first
       cdp t            go back to start of this track
       cdp c            close tray
       cdp e            eject tray
       cdp 5            play from track 5 to the end of cd
       cdp 3 3          play track 3 only
       cdp 2 4          play tracks 2, 3, and 4
       cdp 4 2          complain about strange command ;)
       cdp 30:00        play starting 30 minutes into cd
       cdp 3 1:00       play starting 1 minute into track 3
       cdp +10          seek forward 10 seconds
       cdp -10          seek backward 10 seconds

Download cdp-1.0.tar.gz